Meet Finn the Alaskan Klee Kai!

Meet Finn the Alaskan Klee Kai!

Name: Finn

Birthday/Age: December 7, 2015

Color: Grey and white

Size: 12.5lbs

Likes: He loves baths, and swimming, and trying to catch duckies. He’s also never met a dog—or person—he doesn’t like, though he can be loud and obnoxious at first. 😉

Favourite favourite food: Definitely bacon (it’s his recall-reward)

Lease favourite food: Least favourite is blueberries… though he eats them with a big sigh and a “must I?” look.

He’s a super dramatic, picky eater who loves swimming and hiking… and when he gets super excited he runs around with a huge grin on his face and his butt to the ground!

If you would like us to feature your Alaskan Klee Kai, give us a shout!